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It’s a little embarrassing to admit, but before doing research for this post, I actually didn’t know what my face shape was. I incorrectly thought I had an oval face shape. I wonder how many of you may not know your correct face shape either. . . and you may say, why does it matter? I’ll give you 4 reasons . . .
- Hairstyle
- Makeup
- Eyewear
- Earrings
You don’t go shopping without first knowing your shoe or dress size, so why do you go shopping for eyewear and other accessories without first knowing your face shape? For now, I’m going to leave the hairstyle and makeup to the hairstylists and makeup artists to focus on earrings on this post and do eye-wear at a later time.
What are the different face shapes?
In 2014, a study was conducted by Kendra Schmid PHD of Nebraska Medical Center. Photographs of 1000 Australians were measured and mapped using facial recognition software. The data was then analyzed and categorized into different shapes. Previously, it was commonly accepted that there were only 5 face shapes
- Oval
- Round
- Rectangle
- Heart
- Square
New Shapes Emerge
During the study, 4 new face shapes emerged during Schmid’s research. One of them, being the most common shape of all and the other 3 being more on the rare side. Here’s the list of the new shapes in order of most common to rarest.
- Kite/Diamond
- Heart
- Rectangle
- Oval
- Round
- Square
- Teardrop/Triangle/Pear
- Heptagon
- Oblong
Description of the shapes
The diamond, sometimes called the kite shape has a forehead and jaw of about the same width. The widest part of the face is at the cheekbones and the jawline dips in between the outer jaw and the chin. The length of the face is longer than it is wide. This face shape was probably most likely lumped in with the Oval before since the only difference is the curve of the jawline to the chin.
The heart shaped face is widest at the forehead and has a narrow chin.
The rectangle face has an equal width at the forehead, cheekbones and jaw. The jaw is very defined. The rectangle face is longer than it is wide.
Oval faces are slightly wider at the cheekbones. The forehead and jaw are more equally proportioned. The jawline and chin are rounder than that of the kite/diamond.
Round faces are shorter in length than the average face.
Square face shapes are similar to the rectangle in that the width of the forehead, cheekbones and jaw are similar. In contrast, the square face shape is shorter in proportion to the rectangle. The features are very angular, the jaw is often very pronounced.
The teardrop face shape which is also known as the triangle or pear is recognizable by the prominent jaw. It is the widest of the three measurement points. The forehead of this shape is often very narrow.
The heptagon shape is one of the newly discovered ones. The forehead is wide, however unlike the heart-shaped face, the cheekbones are also wide and the jaw is very defined.
Do you know your face shape?
If you already know your face shape, then skip ahead to the next section to see the best earring styles for your face. However, if you don’t already know your face shape, fill in your info directly below. You’ll have your face shape in 4 questions or less.
Most flattering earrings for your face shape
Universally flattering earrings
If the types and shapes of earring mentioned below for your face shape don’t really suit your tastes, you can always wear small studs. They are pretty neutral when it comes to garnering attention and can be worn with any face shape.
Visual Weight
When I talk about balance, you’ll hear me refer to something often called visual weight. If you haven’t read any of my posts about the Style Recipe, now might be a good time to go back and review some of those posts. The focus of the Style Recipe posts is to discuss which types of design elements carry more visual weight or attract more attention than others.
We use this principle to create and maintain balance, not only in our face shape, but in our body as well. The elements that we discussed that most relate to earrings are: silhouette, line, color, texture, pattern and proportion. Visual weight is achievable by using the silhouette or shape of the earring, lines, varying colors or metals, or textures and other patterns on the earring themselves. For example, bright colors carry more visual weight. Shiny metals or textures carry more weight than matte textures.
The Best Earrings For Kite/Diamond Face Shape
Because your cheekbones are so prominent avoid large button earrings as they will only increase the width at the cheekbones.You want to focus on adding visual weight at about the chin level. This can be done by wearing earrings that are wider at the bottom than at the top. Triangular or teardrop shapes are good for the diamond face shape.
The Best Earrings For Heart Face Shape
For a heart shaped face, you can wear the same type of earrings as the diamond or kite shaped face. You want to stick with those that are narrower at the top and wider at the bottom. Although, having a heart shaped face you can wear earrings that are even larger than the diamond can to create balance with your forehead.
The Best Earrings For Rectangle Face Shape
Those with a rectangular face shape will want to add visual weight at the bottom of the ear to draw the eye out and make it look wider at the center or cheekbones. This can be done with wide button earrings or small thick hoops. You want to avoid long slender earrings that will further elongate the face.
The Best Earrings For Oval Face Shape
With an oval face, your forehead and your chin are in balance, so the goal is to maintain that balance. Avoid overly chunky and thick earrings unless you style your hair at the forehead in a what that will balance it.
The Best Earrings For Round Face Shape
Round faces work best with earrings that create vertical lines. A long slender dangly earring design visually lengthens the shape of the face by drawing the eye up and down. You’ll want to avoid big round earrings as these will emphasize the round shape.
The Best Earrings For Square Face Shape
For a square-shaped face, choose an earring that is wider at the post, like a button earring. If you want to wear dangles, choose ones that are wider at the post and have long slender shapes and lines hanging below the ear. This will both create width at the cheekbones and lengthen the face at the same time.
The Best Earrings For Teardrop/Triangle/Pear Face Shape
For the teardrop face, you want to use a shape of earring that is opposite of your face shape. Look for dangly earrings in an inverted triangle shape that is wider near the post of the earring and narrower at the bottom. Avoid earrings that create too much visual weight at the jawline as this will be out of balance with your forehead.
The Best Earrings For Heptagon Face Shape
Heptagon face shapes wear the same types of earrings as the diamond and heart faces. These face shapes wear triangular type shaped earrings best. Not specifically triangular, but earrings that are heavier and/or wider at the bottom than at the top. The cheekbones are already wide, so avoid earrings that add width or visual weight at this area.
The Best Earrings For Oblong Face Shape
Because oblong faces are very long and narrow, you want to avoid long and narrow shaped earrings because they will further elongate the face. Instead, opt for earrings that add width at the face round button earrings are great. So are chunky hoops. If you want to wear dangly earrings, don’t go too long, look for those with width instead.
What’s Next
Now that you know your face shape, it’s time to go through that jewelry box.

- Pull everything out of the box
- Separate your favorites that you wear all the time and put them back in the box.
- Review those that are remaining. Why don’t you wear them? If it’s because they never felt right, or looked right, it’s probably because they are not the right shape for you . . . or maybe not the right color of metal. If they don’t suite you in any way, put them in the giveaway pile.
- Now evaluate what you kept. What’s missing? If you need some other styles or colors to round out your collection, go shopping for some earrings that are the right shape for your face.
Finally, be sure to follow my Face Shape board on Pinterest for more inspiration . . . AND if you haven’t taken the face shape quiz yet, you can sign up for that below.
Remember . . . wearing the proper earrings for your face shape will enhance your overall look and make you look more put together. Now that you know your face shape, you can choose the right earrings every time.