The most popular color of the year is Living Coral. It’s a super bright, red-orange, full intensity hue.
In the practice of color forecasting, it is said that we, as a society, choose to surround ourselves with colors based on how we feel and our future outlook. For example, years where the economy is down and people are discouraged, we gravitate to more subdued or neutral colors. As you can see, this year is quite the opposite. This year’s most popular color, living coral, is everything but subdued and neutral!
The bright and youthfulness of the color expresses our optimistic outlook of the future. This popular color embodies our need for joyful experiences. It also offers a medium for playful expressions via social media while still maintaining a sense of authenticity in face to face interactions as well. Because living coral is found in nature, it provides feelings of nourishment and liveliness as well.