In Bernice Kentner’s book, “Color Me a Season…”, she introduces the idea that someone’s personality reflects their dominant season or their blend. I don’t have any statistical or scientific evidence that this is accurate, but I thought it’d be fun to explore nonetheless. My temperment more closely represented by my blend rather than my dominant season. So here’s the rundown:
The Four Personality Types
Spring- Sanguine
Autumn- Choleric
Winter- Melancholic
Sanguines exude extroverted qualities. They thrive around people and often act as the “life of the party.” Furthermore, this temperament possesses qualities such as being highly talkative and/or risk seeking.
Relaxed, peaceful, quiet and easy-going qualities characterise the phlegmatic temperament . Phlegmatics try to hide their emotions, but, nonetheless, care deeply about people. Therefore, they act as peacemakers in situations of conflict between people.
Cholerics are usually somewhat extroverted. Qualities such as independence, decisiveness and ambition make cholerics natural leaders. However, in time throughout history, they were also characterised as being short-tempered, violent or vengeful.
With perfectionist tendencies, this personality type tends to be analytical and detail oriented. Because of their introverted leanings, they display self-reliance, thoughtfulness, reserved, anxious, and tidy qualities.
What’s your type?
Although, I don’t know how accurate or cut-and-dry these personality types are, it’s fun to read and compare your own natural disposition. Don’t know your personality type? There are multiple tests on the internet. Here is one that I thought to be pretty accurate. http://psychologia.co/four-temperaments-test/
How does your dominant season and your blend compare with your personality type? I’d love to hear if it was an accurate predictor for you. If you’re still unsure about what your season is, visit my services page to book a one-on-one color consultation or sign up for my FREE Color Course.
Finally, comment at the very bottom of the page to let me know if your season and your personality are the same.