Hi, my name is Kim and I’m a fashion addict . . . or maybe a recovering shopaholic turned stylist.
I LOVE shopping, the thrill of the hunt- the perfectly styled outfit that doesn’t break the bank. I love not only shopping for myself, but for my family and other people as well.

Even from a young age, I showed a proclivity for fashion. My favorite things were playing dress-up and Barbie ™ dolls. This quickly evolved to creating new clothing for Barbie to wear from anything I could find from tissues to scraps of fabric. By age 10 my Nanny- aka my grandmother- had taught me to sew. I began sewing my own outfits. I continued my fashion quest by adding a Bachelor’s Degree in Apparel Design and Production. While my actual career has taken a different path, my true passion remains.
Like many things in life, even a personal sense of style is a journey.
I have been a fashion victim at times in my life like many of you. Perhaps not as far in the past as I would like, but as I said it’s a process. I’ve fallen prey to the hottest trends, fashion magazines, BOGO, or 2 for 1 deals and a multitude of sales and marketing techniques. I’m sure you’ve all been there right?
A Symptom of the Problem
Who has a closet full of clothes, but nothing to wear?
I know I used to and I’ve made huge strides in the last 3 years to break free of that. I’ve developed a system of stylist criteria and tools to help me refine my wardrobe. They can help you too.
The Goal
I know we all can achieve a style that is unique and personal to each one of us — one that represents our true selves.
As long as we allow other things like trends and sales to dictate and influence our clothing purchases, we won’t be happy with what’s in our closet and subsequently with what we look like after getting dressed in the morning.
You are beautiful
I believe that God created each one of us with a special and unique beauty.
It’s our job to let that beauty shine through and portray who were were made to be. Your personal style is an intersection of many different things, some outward like your natural body coloring, body shape, face shape, some inward inward like your beliefs and aspirations; some external like your lifestyle, climate and budget. All of these things and your personality come together to make you. . .
A Stylist Gets You on Track
And I believe that you will be most comfortable and feel most at home in your own skin when you embrace all that you are.
Not only embracing it internally, but externally proclaiming it to the world, so that they too may know and appreciate the true, unique masterpiece of you. I don’t feel that I’ve yet to achieve the essence of style that is uniquely me. It’s a journey of self-discovery and I finally feel like I now can say that I’m well on my way. I hope you’ll join me on the adventure and let me be your personal virtual stylist.
Psalm 139:14″I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.“
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Get a head start on refining your wardrobe with my FREE Color Course.