So, you’re scouring pinterest and you see a super cute dress. It looks perfect in the picture; a beautiful print and comfy fabric. You hunt it down online, order it and wait patiently for it to arrive. It finally arrives and you can’t wait to get the dishes finished after dinner so that you have a second to try it on. You rush into your room, rip open the package, wrestle out of your own clothes, and slip the new dress over your head. You admire the silky feel as you pull it down over your body. You’re so excited… then you look in the mirror. Your attitude swiftly changes.
Dressing YOUR Best
Do you know your body type? Your body shape is determined by your genetics and is defined by how different areas of your body relate to one another in size. I’ve always heard that your body type will not change throughout your adult life, but I question whether that is accurate. A post pregnancy body may never to back to the previous “normal”. Boobs flatten, hips widen and tummies become thicker.
I bet it’s safe to say that if you are heavier up top, you will always be without unnatural intervention and the same being said for those that have a more well endowed lower section. But with that tricky midsection– all bets are off. Those who may have been a rectangle in their younger years may be more of an oval later in life when it’s easier to pack on the pounds and harder to lose them.
How is your frame size different than your body shape?
Your frame size is independent of your body type. While your body type determines where you gain fat and muscle, your frame size is determined by your bone structure and other than it shrinking as you get older due to bone mass loss, it really doesn’t change overtime.
How do you measure the female body?
All measurements should be taken standing up. There are 4 measurements that you need to take to determine your body type:
- Shoulders
- Bust
- Waist
- Hip
Shoulder Measurement
To measure the shoulders, wrap a measuring tape around the very top of your shoulders, just before it slides off. The tape should be parallel to the floor and tight enough that it stays put. The tape should go over the bottom of your collar bone in the front.

Bust Measurement
The second measurement is the bust. Wear a supportive bra that doesn’t have any padding or light padding at the most. Wrap the measuring tape around the fullest part of your bust. The tape should be parallel to the floor. Take a deep breath in and let your rib cage expand. Use the width when your rib-cage is at its largest.
I normally use the bust measurements in determining proportions instead of the shoulder. If your shoulders are more prominent in your figure than your bust, use the shoulder measurement instead. I would say that if your shoulder is more than 2 inches larger than your bust, use the shoulder measurement instead.

Waist Measurement
The waist measurement it taken at the narrowest part of your torso. It will most likely be at or above your belly button. Make sure that the measuring tape is parallel to the floor and doesn’t dip down in the front or back.

Hip Measurement
Regular Hip Measurement Where to measure for a hip dip The last measurement you need to take is the hip. You’ll want to take it at the largest point of your lower body. This is usually the low hip, but for those that have a hip dip, this will probably be the upper thigh. Again, make sure you stand up while taking the measurements and that the measuring tape is parallel to the floor.

What are the different body types or shapes
I’m going to discuss 5 different body types, there are actually more variations of them, but the same basic rules will still apply. Some of you may be in between two types or a combination or variation, but I’ll give you tips and trick that you can apply regardless of your unique shape. The shapes I’m going to discuss are the triangle, inverted triangle, oval, rectangle, and hourglass.
The triangle body type is also referred to at the pear shape. It is noticeably wider in the hips than it is in the bust or shoulders. Your hips will be 5% wider than your bust.
The inverted triangle is like an upside down triangle. The shoulders or bust are the widest part of this figure. The difference is more than 5%. It is also called an apple shape. The waist is also sometimes thicker. The hips are definitely narrow.
The rectangle body shape has upper and lower body proportions that are similar or have less than 5% difference. This shape is also called a banana shape. The waist is undefined. It has less than a 25% difference between the bust or the hip.
The oval or diamond shape has a hip and a bust that have less than a 5% difference, but the waist is thicker and appears to be wider than the bust or the hips. Some women temporarily take this shape when they are pregnant. I’ve combined the two shapes of oval and diamond because they are very similar. A diamond has narrower shoulders and hips than an oval.
The hourglass figure has bust and hips measurements that are similar, with a difference of less than 5% and the waist has at least a 25% difference from the larger of the two other measurements. In this body type the figure is naturally balanced.
What are other factors to consider?
Other factors that you want to look at are your height and your vertical proportion. If you are tall, you can get away with a lot without looking like you’re chopped into pieces. An average height person can play with vertical proportions to see what they think is pleasing. However, the petite frame will benefit from limiting horizontal lines and accentuating vertical lines. There isn’t really a standard height definition, but I’d say about 5’4” and under is petite, 5’5” to 5’8” is average and 5” 9 and up is tall. What do you
What do I mean by vertical proportion? This is how the length of your upper body or torso compares to your lower body or your legs. You can have a long, short or average torso and you can have long, average or short legs. You could be really tall, have extremely long legs and have a short torso. Or, you could have short legs and a long torso.
Using the Body Shape Quiz?
Once you have your measurements, fill out the form below to get access to my body shape calculator. Just enter your measurements, and it will tell you the ratio of your bust, waist, and hips. After that, just answer a couple of easy questions using the ratio calculations.
What if I still don’t know what I am?
If you’re still confused about your shape, send me a message with your full length photo and your measurements and I’ll be happy to tell you your shape. I’ll be talking about each of these shapes in depth over the next two weeks.
What about the fellas? Do they have body shapes too?
Did you know that there are body types for men, too? They are very similar to women’s body types. They have a triangle, inverted triangle, rectangle, and oval, but instead of an hourglass, they have what is called a trapezoid. When we get to the style, tip, and tricks for your body type, the rules and guidelines for men are generally the same as they are for the corresponding female body type. That’s what is so great about the guidelines– as long as you know the way the elements of design operation, you can use them to accomplish your goals for your figure. In the male body type world, the inverted triangle and the trapezoid are considered to be “athletic” body types But any one, of any body type can be in good shape physically.
The measurements are taken in the same way they are for a women, but instead of calling it the bust, we refer to the largest part of a man’s upper torso as the chest. Please refer to the measurement instructions above.
Triangle Body Shape for Men
In the male triangle body shape, the hips are wider than the chest or shoulders. The stomach is often a trouble zone. In the man’s inverted triangle body type, the shoulders are the widest part of the body and the waist and hips are narrow.
Rectangle Body Shape for Men
The rectangle body shape is similar from shoulders through the waist and down to the hip. This body type is often very lean and does not gain weight easily.
Oval Body Shape for Men
The oval body shape has shoulders, chest and hips that are similar in width, but the stomach protrudes out and it the widest of the measurements.
Trapezoid Body Shape for Men
The trapezoid is considered to be the most balanced shape by clothing manufacturers. This body type will have the easiest time finding clothes off the rack that fit. I would consider this male body shape to be somewhere in between the rectangle and the inverted triangle. The shoulders are wider than the hips, but not as drastically as the inverted triangle. The hips are also wider than the rectangle and the inverted triangle.
It’s not your fault, it’s the clothes
How many of you have seen something that is really attractive on someone else, but you try it on and you look like a sack of potatoes? Let me tell you, don’t blame it on yourself, or your body shape; it’s the clothes’ fault, not yours. I’ve been there too many times to count. I want to wear all the flowy, oversized tops that have been trending for the past 5 years, but they really don’t suit my shape. They make me look at least 10 pounds heavier than I actually am. When it comes down to it, I’d rather look MY best, than look on trend. I won’t look back 10 to 20 years from now and think “What was I thinking? Why was I wearing that?” By dressing to suit your shape, you’ll have fewer fashion faux pas and will have a style that transcends time.
Once you know your type, applying the style recipe will be a cinch. One body type is not better than the other, there are no perfect body types; you just have to dress them differently. Check out the post below for your specific body type. I know you want to look your best every day and feel good about who you are, just the way you are.
You can even follow my Body Shape Pinterest board. There is a section for each body type.