What is the most popular color of the year 2019?
The most popular color of the year is Living Coral. It’s a super bright, red-orange, full intensity hue (Not sure what intensity or hue mean? Check out these previous posts on intensity and hue).
In the practice of color forecasting, it is said that we, as a society, choose to surround ourselves with colors based on how we feel and our future outlook. For example, years where the economy is down and people are discouraged, we gravitate to more subdued or neutral colors. As you can see, this year is quite the opposite. This year’s most popular color, living coral, is everything but subdued and neutral!
The bright, youthfulness of the color expresses our optimistic outlook of the future. This popular color embodies our need for joyful experiences. It also offers a medium for playful expressions via social media while still maintaining a sense of authenticity in face to face interactions as well. Because living coral is found in nature, it provides feelings of nourishment and liveliness as well.
I absolutely LOVE this color. To me it screams excitement and reminds me of the flowers in Spring and new beginnings. It’s not hard to see why the color has such optimistic feelings surrounding it, not to mention how you feel wearing it.

Why is infusing color in your wardrobe important?
Take a look at the living coral colored graphics on this page. Let the color really sink in. Think about an actual coral habitat sitting on the ocean floor, providing shelter for hundreds upon thousands of colorful, lively fish.
How does it make you feel?
I hope the corners of your mouth are starting to turn up and your mood is starting to lighten. You see, color is powerful. Not only is it capable of altering our mood, but it is a great communication tool as well.
Do you work in an environment where you need to appear friendly and outgoing? If so, this year’s most popular color is a great addition to your wardrobe. In addition, do you speak in front of people regularly? This animated color will give your presence am energetic boost before you even open your mouth. Furthermore, this color is attention grabbing, so it’s also a great choice for those in sales or when working events such as trade shows. All in all, this is why I love color so much. I don’t talk much in real life, so the more I can “say” without having to open my mouth the better.
For most people, variety is the spice of life. And wearing the same colors day after day and year after year is boring. Just a little splash of an invigorating color like Living Coral can have a huge impact on your look. But, is Living Coral a flattering color on you?
What is Season Color Analysis?
As a wardrobe consultant, my desire is to instill you with confidence; confidence in your clothing choices and confidence in your body, which will ultimately produce confidence in yourself. That’s why I’ve got to let you in on a little secret. It would be irresponsible for me to advise everyone to wear the most popular color of the year straight out of the box. While Living Coral l is a beautiful color, that exact hue is not for everyone. Just because it’s a popular color or trend, it doesn’t mean it’s the best choice for you. We want to bring out your natural beauty. Because each of you has a different complexion, some colors will look better on you than others.
This bring me to seasonal color analysis. Seasonal color analysis is the theory that each person, with their unique complexion and natural color fits into one of 4 categories or 16 sub-categories. The four major categories are spring, summer, autumn and winter. If you’re unfamiliar with this theory, find out more about the 4 seasons and 16 seasonal blends here, here, and here.
How to Determine Your Season
The best way to determine your season is to have a seasonal color analysis done by a professional color consultant. I know that’s not always an option for everyone, so I’ve created a FREE color course so that you can determine your season from the comfort of your own home. Get on the course wait list here.
Generally speaking, springs and autumns have warm undertones in their complexion, while summers and winters have cool undertones. Winters and autumns have deeper coloring of the hair and eyes. At the same time springs and summers have lighter coloring. This is a very broad sweeping generalization. Just as there are some blonde winters, there are also some dark brunette summers. That’s where the blends come into play. If you can determine your season just by determining if you have cool or warm undertones and dark vs light hair, you may be an absolute. If the cut and dry explanation wasn’t enough for you, you probably have a blend.
Which season you are will dictate what kind of alteration to living coral will suit your complexion best and be most flattering. Isn’t it awesome to know that no matter what the most popular color of the year is, you can find a variation of it that works specifically for you.
How to Rock Living Coral as a Spring

Living coral’s warm undertone and vibrancy make it a spring color right out of the box. Coral, by essence, is a warm color because its derived from a red mixed with orange. In contrast, reds with cool undertones have blue mixed, creating a more magenta look. On the intensity scale, living coral is almost as intense as it gets.
Being a spring, you have the option to rock a Living Coral ensemble from head to toe. The color would be a nice pairing with your bright eyes and warm smile. If that much brightness is too much for your liking, you can always add a splash of the coral with your neutrals or use it to liven up another color scheme. There are so many exciting ways to wear this year’s most popular color. (New post with color schemes coming soon!)
How to Rock Living Coral as a Autumn
As an autumn, because the color shares a warm undertone with you, you may also wear living coral right out of the box, but you may find a slightly lower intensity version much more appealing (Find out more about intensity here). Consequently, I believe you’ll find that the slightly muted tone will make it so much easier to incorporate the most popular color of the year into your existing wardrobe. (Is muted a new word for you when it comes to color, find out the meaning on this post).
How to Rock Living Coral as an Winter
The warm undertone of living coral won’t look as becoming on a winter as it will the warmer seasons. Being so, you’ll want to choose a hue that has a slightly cooler undertone. You see, coral is a red, mixed with orange and then lightened a little bit. We want to move it down the temperature spectrum by reducing the amount of orange. As a winter, you’ll be able to keep the same intensity of the original living coral, but you can wear tints of it as well. (The term tint is often one that is misused. Find out the real meaning here).
In addition, winters can wear living coral prints with either a dark or light background. The eye will, in essence, blend the colors together and reflect an amalgamation of the colors back onto the face.
How to Rock Living Coral as a Summer
Just because the most popular color of the year has a warm undertone, you shouldn’t feel left out as a summer. We’ll use a version of the color with cooler undertone like the one used for WInters. Convert the color to a tint by adding some white. Summers really look amazing in tints. It makes their complexion brighten up.
An alternative option for a summer, is to wear the unaltered living coral in a print with a white background. Because the colors reflecting off the face will be a blend, in essence, it’s the same as adding white to the color to make it a tint.
The Last Thing You Need to Know about Rocking the Most Popular Color of the Year
Living coral is just a fun, energetic color! It’s no surprise that it’s forecast to be this year’s most popular color. No matter what your
Would you like a color swatch card to take with you when you go shopping? You want to make sure you pick up the color preference that is right for you. Sign up below to get your choice of season Living Coral Printable Swatch Card.
How do you wear living coral? Submit a snapshot of your favorite living coral ensemble as an email attachment and I’ll add it to this post and share it on our Facebook page. * by submitting a photo, you give your consent to the photo being used on this blog and on its
Leave me some comments below. What do you think of Living Coral? Do you plan on adding it to your wardrobe?