Hi, My Name is Kim and I am a Fashion Addict

         Hi, my name is Kim and I’m a fashion addict . . . or maybe a recovering shopaholic.​I LOVE shopping, the thrill of the hunt- the perfectly styled outfit that doesn’t break the bank. I love not only shopping for myself, but for my family and other people as well.​    Even from a young age, I showed a proclivity for fashion. My favorite things were playing dress-up and Barbie ™ dolls. Playing with Barbies™ quickly evo […]

Summer Casual Bombshell Wardrobe: Build One on a Budget

Summer is here, the sun is shining, and it’s time to update your wardrobe! But if you’re on a tight budget, you might be wondering how you can create a stylish summer wardrobe without breaking the bank. That’s where a capsule wardrobe comes in. A capsule wardrobe is a collection of essential items that can be mixed and matched to create a variety of outfits. And the best part? You don’t need a lot of money to create one. In this article, we’ll show you how to build a capsule wardrobe for the casual bombshell on a budget, using affordable finds from Amazon. From breezy sundresses to versatile shorts and tops, we’ve got you covered. So get ready to look your best this summer without spending a fortune!

The Ultimate Gift Guide For Her

The holidays are quickly approaching. You’re in “gift buying ninja mode”. You’re ready to start hacking away at that list, but you don’t have much time. Not only do you have gifts to buy for all your friends and loved ones, but you’ve also got to beef up your own wish list to make it easier for those buying for you. Here’s the perfect gift guide to get you off on the right foot for your holiday shopping.