. . . or at least head in the body positivity direction.
We’ve all been there. . . scrolling through instagram. “Oh, wow. Look at those eyelashes. I wish I had eyelashes like that instead of my boring, invisible ones.” and “She looks amazing in the dress. I wish I could pull that dress off.” And then, with a glance in the mirror, the negative self-talk continues. “ Augh, is my cellulite really THAT visible?” “ When did everything start looking so flat and droopy” (and I’m not talking about hair).
What’s left of your positive attitude is smashed into a million pieces, picture by picture as you continue to scroll.
Why do we torture ourselves like this? Why do we whittle ourselves away with thoughts of inadequacy?
What if, instead of focusing on what you don’t like about your body, you focus on something you DO like? What if you stopped comparing yourself to everyone else and just rocked being you?
And just maybe, what if that shift in focus was all you needed to break free of the body image that’s holding you back?
As a wardrobe consultant, my desire is to instill you with confidence; confidence in your clothing choices and confidence in your body, which will ultimately produce confidence in yourself.
You see, you are unique. There has never been, nor ever will be anyone exactly like you. And THAT, my friend, is your superpower. Rock it and own it.

What Does Body Positivity Actually Mean?
Body positivity is a social movement based on the belief that every person should have a positive body image. This belief extends not only to the acceptance of one’s own body, but also the acceptance of others’ bodies.
Consequently, some people take this movement to the extreme emphasizing that you should love your body no matter what. As a result, they shun those that want to lose weight. To them, I pose this question, “Can you truly love your body and not do what’s best for its health?”
Why Is Body Positivity Important?
Body image is directly linked to self-esteem, or how much we value ourselves. In other words, our perception of our abilities and limitations. For example, the little engine that could– high self-esteem vs Eeyore– not so much. Who would you hire? In that way, self-esteem becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. It reminds me of a well-known quote of Henry Ford.
“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right”
Misconceptions surround us, telling us we shouldn’t be proud of what we are. Images of what is considered “beautiful” bombard us constantly– from movies, TV, magazines and now Facebook, Instagram and SnapChat. Fashion magazines tell you “‘THIS’ is the perfect body shape” or “face shape” or “hair color” or “weight”. IT’S JUST NOT TRUE!!. There IS no perfect shape, but nonetheless, you were created perfectly. There is nothing wrong with you. A pear body shape is not imperfect, neither is a square face or being larger than a size 2.
What Can Negative Body Image Lead To?
How Does Body Image Affect Mental Health?
Having a negative body image is thought to be linked to depression, anxiety, eating disorders, body dysmorphic disorder and even personality disorders. On the other hand a positive body image has the opposite effect. Positive body images produce confidence and high self-esteem. Not only that, but it is also linked the development of healthy relationships. Women with positive body images are more likely to have overer-all better mental health.
How Does Body Image Affect Mental Health
According to “Impact of negative cognitions about body image on inflammatory status in relation to health” by Masa Cernelic-Bizjak and Zala Jenko-Praznikar “Evidence suggests that body dissatisfaction may relate to biological processes and that negative cognitions can influence physical health through the complex pathways linking psychological and biological factors.” In the study, body dissatisfaction predicted the presence of inflammation biomarkers more consistently than BMI or other traditional standards of measure. These inflammation markers are associated with conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, atherosclerosis, psoriasis, sepsis, diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
How Can I Increase My Body Positivity?

Start GLOWING. I know it may seem silly, but acronyms are catchy and easier to remember. GLOWING-
G-Get rid of negative self-talk. L- Let go of beauty stereotypes. O- Open your eyes to your unique beauty. W- worry not about size. I- Integrate- become a part of a body positive community. N- nurture your body and last, but certainly, not least, G- get help.
Get Rid of Negative Self-talk
Feel yourself slipping into a downward spiral of negative self-talk? Take control of your thoughts. They are your most powerful weapon. List all the attributes that you like about yourself. Actually, physically write them down and post it on your bathroom mirror.
Let Go of Beauty Stereotypes
Throw away your fashion magazines and , at the same time, prune your Instagram. 1) The images are not realistic. 2) If they are real, perspective may distort their appearance. 3) Everyone is unique so stop comparing apples to oranges.
Open Your Eyes to Your Unique Beauty
Don’t just think if you ignore your appearance, it won’t matter anymore. It will always be a part of you. Embrace it. All of it— your skin tone, your freckles, your moles, eye color, hair color and texture, height, body shape, face shape, even your personality. Nothing about you is a mistake.
Take a moment, get a mirror. Look at your iris. Notice the flecks, the lines and all the other intricacies. Isn’t it beautiful?– a masterpiece. The iris is such a small part of the body. How much care do you think was taken in designing the rest of it?
Worry About fit, not size
Forget size, focus instead on fit. Size is an arbitrary number that says nothing about you. They vary greatly among manufacturers. Fit, on the other hand, has a huge impact on how you feel about the clothes you wear. Ill-fitting clothes bring both physical and mental discomfort while properly fitting clothes have an opposite effect.
Be a part of a community that encourages positive body images. You know the old saying “Garbage in, garbage out”. The same is true of good things too. Surround yourself with positive body talk. Furthermore, if you have people in your life that are always talking down on their own bodies, have a discussion with them about how it affect you.
Nurture Your Body
There needs to be a change in thinking. Instead of trying to conform your body into society’s standard of beauty, enjoy it just as it is. Make good eating choices, because it’s good for you. Get enough sleep so that you can enjoy life to the fullest and work out because it makes you strong and protects your body against injuries. Do what’s best for your body and mind.
Get Help
Sometimes, deeper underlying issues influence your body image such as an eating disorder or some other mental disorder. If that’s the case for you or someone you love, please get professional help. The National Eating Disorder Association helpline can be reached at (800) 931-2237. Their website has a “click to chat” function for those that feel more comfortable chatting online instead of on the phone. For crisis situations, text “NEDA” to 741741.
Where Can I Get Support to Help Foster a Positive Body Image
If you’re in need of an encouraging atmosphere, I’ve got just the place for you. I have facebook group, exclusively for my newsletter subscribers. It’s called the Confident YOU Community. In as such, the posts are full of positive, encouraging quotes and articles to keep you in the right mindset. You can get on the newsletter below.
Alternatively, if facebook groups aren’t your thing, follow my Positively Gorgeous Board on Pinterest and here is another post chalked full of body positive inspiration.
Common Questions About Body Positivity
Is Body Positivity “Dangerous” or Bad For Your Health.
People debate about this. If you ignore your health in effort to accept your body, this could lead to unhealthy behaviors like binge eating. However, I believe it’s possible to have a positive body image and pursue a healthy lifestyle simultaneously. It all comes down to loving your body.
How Do You Love Your Body When Losing Weight?
First of all, remember that your self-worth is not tied to the number on the scale. Whether you lose the weight or not your body is still perfect. Not only is it possible to love your body while losing weight, but it’s absolutely necessary. Because you love your body, you’ll want what’s best for it, right? Shift your focus from weight to creating healthy habits that are good for your body.
Love your body. Treat it right. Take care of it; it’s the only body you’re ever going to get.
If you have an unhealthy weight, incorporate healthier habits into your daily life. Not as a way of punishing yourself for being overweight, but as a way of taking care of the most valuable thing you possess. Eating healthier and exercising are two habits that boost energy, increase immune system functions, improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Those reasons alone are enough to take care of yourself. Weight loss becomes just an added bonus, but it’s not even the best part!
Will I Be More Confident if I Lose Weight?
Not necessarily. Just as thinner doesn’t necessarily mean healthier or happier, it also does not mean that you will be more confident. True confidence comes from being happy about who you are and proud of what you achieve. In fact, if losing weight is a win for you, that achievement will boost your confidence. However, if your weight loss journey is filled with guilt and negativity, don’t expect a boost in confidence.
What’s the Difference between Body Positivity and Body Neutrality?
Body Neutrality is a newer movement that shifts away from the accepting the appearance of your body to having an appreciation for what your body does. It rides the middle ground between loving your body and disliking your body.
The Last Thing You Need to Know About Having a Positive Body Image

When it comes down to having a positive image, the most important thing to remember can be boiled down to this quote from James Allen
“As the man thinketh, so he is”
It all starts with what you allow to percolate in your brain. So don’t forget to start GLOWING.
Lastly, it would really mean a lot to me if you’d share this article on Facebook or Pinterest. Check out the handy buttons below to do so.
I’d love to hear what you think about body positivity and what strategies you use to combat negative thoughts about your body. Leave me some comments below.
*I want to give a shout out to Suzi from startamomblog.com and momlifehappylife.com. Thanks for being my blogging mentor and helping me navigate these new waters!